Royal 79100G Epoch 수동 타자기(검은색)

Royal 79100G Epoch 수동 타자기(검은색)  
12. 5" carriage | 11. 6" maximum print width | 11" typing width | 44 keys & 88 characters | Space bar repeater key

MPN: 79100G  UPC: 0022447791006  Listing: C0ED765A7D

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March 1st - Toner Quest 334,506.38
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12. 5" carriage | 11. 6" maximum print width | 11" typing width | 44 keys & 88 characters | Space bar repeater key
This is a portable manual typewriter for on-the-go authors! The Royal Epoch Manual Typewriter features a wide 11 in. carriage for typing its 88 characters on the black and red nylon ribbon. A sturdy carrying case is included.
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12/29/2022 -   252,896.94 KRW
 - New Jersey  [converted from usd currency]

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12/03/2024 13:12:19 [WSPGD16643005F7518DADC6D] [DM-N]